
​Other Landscape Supplies include: Sand, Mulch, Soil, Hardeners,
and Driveway/Drainage Stone.

3/8" Native

3/8" Blue

1" White

3/4" Native

1/2" Blue

3/4" Native & Shell Mix

1 1/2" Native

3/4" Blue

1 1/2" Native

* When Available | ** Always ask about the availability of all our Landscape Products.

Customer comments


located in Brewster and Dennis, Massachusetts

Hours:  Mon-Sat 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday 7:00am – 2:00pm Sunday Closed

1515 Freeman’s Way, Brewster, MA  02631 | 360 Paddock’s Path, Dennis, MA 02638 P.O. Box 1555, Brewster, MA. 02653 (508) 255-1550

Copyright 2008-2019. Cape Sand and Recycling. All rights reserved.